I am a senior lecturer in Sociology (Department of Sociology) and in Sociology of Education (Department of Education), at Uppsala University, Sweden. With a background also in economic history, a common theme in most of my research is an interest in how structural patterns are changing – or are being maintained – over time, with a particular focus on the period between 1900 and today. My research has focused on long-term changes in the distribution of cultural and economic capital as well as in the composition of different social elites. Currently, I am primarily engaged in research on the financial aspects of higher education, both from the perspective of how different kinds of students fund their studies and from the perspective of how the higher education system in itself is funded.
Select publications:
Gustavsson, Martin & Andreas Melldahl (2018). “The social history of a capitalist class. Wealth holders in Stockholm, 1914-2006”. In New Directions in Elite Studies. Korsnes, Heilbron, Hjellbrekke, Bühlmann & Savage (eds.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, p. 177-197.
Melldahl, Andreas (2018). ”Modes of reproduction in the Swedish economic elite: education strategies of the children of the top one per cent”. European Societies. oVl. 20, nr 3, p. 424-452.
Melldahl, Andreas (2015). Utbildningens värde. Fördelning, avkastning och social reproduktion under 1900-talet [The Value of Education. Distributions, Returns and Social Reproduction during the 20th Century]. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.